Monday, August 24, 2009

wow, been a long time...

All I can do is shake my head, and wonder if everyone who voted for Obama expected this kind of CHANGE? Most of the time when people think they want something or someone different, they get a whole hell of a lot more 'different' than they bargained for, huh?

And it really pisses me off that anybody, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, any time they get together to say that they don't agree with 'the majority', they're ridiculed, discounted as people just trying to cause trouble! WTF??? We're supposed to do this! When Cindy Sheehan protested on George W Bush's property in Texas when he was on vacation, everybody, including the President, welcomed that and said she was well within her rights...
Obamatrons say they inherited this deficit. How freakin' many months can he blame HIS mistakes on the former administration? Yes, W spent too much...but NOBODY'S spent THIS much, ever!! And he's already raising taxes, like he said he wouldn't. Like's a proven fact that most people that use tobacco are low or middle-income people...the very citizens that Obama swore wouldn't see one dime more in taxes! When the hell are people going to wake up & realize that he's not just an ordinary Democrat, he's on the extreme far-left of the political spectrum? Is everybody at home doing the same as me, you know, watch what you spend your money on, not spending more than you have? Working on getting out of debt and paying off any of the credit cards you have? Quit smoking, cuz you just can't afford it? Huh..why can't the government quit blowing money and printing more? I'm relatively stupid, but even I see why you can't do that! Yeah...even Democrats are saying he's too far left...