Sunday, June 6, 2010

community organizer?

The enormous oil spill should be a huge embarassment to BP...If I had money to invest, I'll be damned if it would go there!
This oil spill isn't Obama's fault either...however, his reaction to it is being judged, which it should be! People on the gulf are saying that the people there cleaning up the oil & animals as best as they can, are saying that the people the gov't sends in aren't even in the right places! That they need to be organized better. Well...who better to do the organization than the man we elected as our president? Since he had no experience in anything but community organizing in the first place? He's shown his expertise in organizing borderline criminal groups, such as SEIU & ACORN...not so good at legitimate groups...

Thursday, June 3, 2010


He's a freakin' sociopath like I've NEVER seen!! Well, there's always Scott Peterson...I'm thanking God he was arrested today in Chile! I just pray that the Peruvians are a helluva lot worse for this arrogant asshole to deal with than the Arubans, who kissed his ass & just patted him on the head, and let him go on his merry way! Arggghhhh! I feel so sad for Natalee's family...I pray every day that I'll never have to deal with something like that!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

been a busy few months for the government!

I guess I'll start with Arizona's new law about illegal immigration...I agree with the principle, however, I see why a LOT of LEGAL Mexican immigrants have a big problem with it. Just because it would be easy to stop somebody because of their race, no matter what the law says. If a cop wants to stop you, he'll find a reason, no matter how insignificant it is!! I live in Ohio, and I'm blonde...and I know this has happened to me! But, the Arizona law is less strict than the federal law, for God's sake! And that one is never used at all!! And President Obama tried to get out of having a meeting with the governor of Arizona. Oh, hell, what a pussy! Grow a pair and back up your opinion! You had a "beer summit" with the policeman after you called him "stupid" in front of the world!
I'm just not impressed with this white house at all. He has totally disrespected Israel, a long time ago, when Netanyahu came to DC about building the settlements, and he went to the white house to see Obama, and Obama said he was getting ready to eat, so he could walk around the house for awhile, Obama would be back in a little bit!! Now today, he has a choice to make, whether to back Israel or to condemn them for defending themselves against a possible threat. Meanwhile he's been around the world apologizing to every Muslim country he could find! (which has done nothing for our country but make us a weak laughingstock!) Thanks, Mr President.
Obama makes me wish we had Bill Clinton back...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

health care bill will pass in a couple of hours...

...and I'm personally disappointed in this country's behavior! We DO need health care reform! I think I'm like most people in the United States...I KNOW our health care system is pretty heartless if you don't have insurance, but this is absolutely not the way to fix it! Yeah, they've been working on it for a year, but, the Democrats haven't really been letting any of the Repub's ideas in! It seems like Obama NEEDS Congress to pass this, no matter what, just so he can be GREAT! This is a circus today at Capitol Hill.
A big problem is that when all the Repubs vote no on this, nobody seems to get it...they are NOT saying nobody should get health care, it's only for us 'rich'..they're saying that, yes, everybody should have health care, but let's try some other ideas, that would be cheaper! Obama says they can save money by rooting out the waste and fraud in Medicare. Well, if so, why the hell hasn't he done it before this? I just want to puke with all the bribes going on...I know this is the way politics goes, but, this is IN YOUR FACE bribes, not behind the scenes bribes! Yeah...welcome to Chicago politics...
The whole world has contributed to this president's God complex. And he wants to be seen as the president who could do ANYTHING...unfortunately, he can! The problem is that he's not listening to his bosses, the American people! Never before has publuc opinion gone against a bill so much, and they've been so ignored and the Democrats said, in effect, "We know better than you...just sit down and shut up, you'll be better off if you let us take care of you!! So quit ARGUING!!"

Saturday, January 16, 2010

outsourcing? insourcing? make up your mind!!

I know that a big problem with jobs in this country is that a lot of them are being "outsourced", right? Well, except for government jobs...if you want employment, go to where all the jobs are...Washinngton DC! Other than that, maybe you could be a defense lawyer, because President Obama is determined that every freakin' terrorist in the world have a trial here, either in New York City, or DC, or Detroit, for God's sake!! I guess this means he's insourcing terrorists, so we can prove that we're the most compassionate nation in the world...I guess...that's what the leader of this country insists on...because, maybe, if we bend over and bow to the world enough, they might like us. Is anyone here going to still have any self-respect left? Holy Crap!