Sunday, January 13, 2008

Test, test, test...can you hear me now?

Okay, here's the first post on this blog...
I've decided to back John McCain in the primaries. I did like Huckabee a lot (still do...who wouldn't? he's just a likable guy!), and I do like Mitt Romney, but the same thing holds me back about both of them , and that's their lack of military experience. Yes, they will work on money problems here..but..I can have all the money I want, but if the terrorists bring their jihad here, what good is that gonna do me?? And I have a feeling that General Petraus isn't done, especially if John McCain gets in the presidency. Honestly, there are no two men in the world other than them that I'd trust my life & my future generations' lives on!
I just heard on Fox News that one of the men in charge of the American ship in the Strait of Hormuth. He said that from now on, he's taking Iran deadly serious, and he hopes we do too! I do, I always thought the report about them not doing anything nuclear since '03...was a big fat lie!! I have a hard time believing any Arabs at the moment. I've met some in my work, and they are, for the most part, shifty-eyed liars! (so is Hillary, but that's for another post). I said 'for the most part'....that's not ALL!

Paranoia may destroy ya...
Sharing little known paranoid facts...don't thank me...I'm a giver.
Did you know that if you yawn too wide, it is possible to break your jaw?

PoUnCeS!! Tigr!


AmPowerBlog said...

Libby! This is great...I'm glad you like McCain!

And that's cool you're starting a political blog. We can be blog buddies!


Libby said...

donald...i woke up last night around 2, & heard the news break where they mentioned that the sailor said he took iran deadly serious, & thinks we all ahould too...i got up & made this blog around 3:20 am!

AmPowerBlog said...

I like it, Libby!