Sunday, November 22, 2009

...and now...after all those years of thinking you have to...

kuj ...start getting a mammogram every year starting at age the government is saying "Well, no, you can wait til you're 50 to start that...and as for the yearly nookie-lookie dr...well, girls don't need their first til they're 21...& after you've had three normal ones, well, just once every 3 years is fine. Holy fuckin' shit! I cannot BELIEVE this!! Even when I was 15, you had to have a yearly pelvic, just to make sure nothing was wrong, or you couldn't refill your birth control pills! And I was 15 a very loooooooooooooong time ago! People weren't fucking around as much as they are now! ! Hell, one in three women have the HPV already...AND this includes women up to their 50's! Are you kidding me? This is when they need to INCREASE the test! I already decided a couple years ago, I'm never having sex again (sorry, guys! lol!)...there's just tooo muxh stuff out there to catch! I already know a girl with HPV, had a friend who died a while ago from cervical cancer..a girl with many more? Not that I like having those tests...they're just part of life!

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