Tuesday, December 1, 2009

speech tonight...

It's about time...Obama finally must've listened to somebody who screamed "shit or get off the pot!!" I'm not a big 'fan of wars', but, so many of our soldiers are dying in Afghanistan, that it pretty much proves that we need to go all out, full force on this war...either fight to win, or bring them home! Remember, President Obama, you wanted this job more than anything...Yes, this is the hardest part of the job, but, you took it...for better or worse. And you've had a lot of the fun parts already...you know, parties at the White House, date nights in New York City, the Nobel Peace Prize (I'm still at a loss for the reason for that one...maybe it was the "apology tour" you gave all over the world...).
Well, it was a pretty good speech, he must have great speechwriters...and he gave all the appropriate stern looks.
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

1 comment:

Doug Bagley said...

Darn straight! I feel better just reading your comments, LOL!