Sunday, November 22, 2009

...and now...after all those years of thinking you have to...

kuj ...start getting a mammogram every year starting at age the government is saying "Well, no, you can wait til you're 50 to start that...and as for the yearly nookie-lookie dr...well, girls don't need their first til they're 21...& after you've had three normal ones, well, just once every 3 years is fine. Holy fuckin' shit! I cannot BELIEVE this!! Even when I was 15, you had to have a yearly pelvic, just to make sure nothing was wrong, or you couldn't refill your birth control pills! And I was 15 a very loooooooooooooong time ago! People weren't fucking around as much as they are now! ! Hell, one in three women have the HPV already...AND this includes women up to their 50's! Are you kidding me? This is when they need to INCREASE the test! I already decided a couple years ago, I'm never having sex again (sorry, guys! lol!)...there's just tooo muxh stuff out there to catch! I already know a girl with HPV, had a friend who died a while ago from cervical cancer..a girl with many more? Not that I like having those tests...they're just part of life!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

don't get swine flu...

After scaring the shit out of everybody in the US, they're now telling people there's a big shortage of shots...bad enough that adults aren't getting one, but now little kids aren't able to get their second shot, which the government said they'd absolutely need to be 100% protected against this deadly flu. That would surely make me comfortable about turning my total health care over to the government...bunk! Are more people in this country dying from H1N1 than just plain ol' flu this year? Because a whole lot of people die from complications from the flu EVERY year, if you've paid one bit of attention to the news.

Friday, November 6, 2009


We were promised that once the $787 billion 'stimulus' was passed, that would hold the unemployment down to no higher than 8%...somebody's doing some "fuzzy math", dontcha think?...Is Al Gore on Obama's budget committee?

The health care debacle...truthfully, I feel like I have no business saying anything here, because I'm still covered on Kev's insurance...but...if he's out of a job, for any reason next year, I'll have to get on Medicaid/Medicare...that really bites a big one, but, just for shits & giggles, let's pretend I'm fine, don't have anything wrong with me, and I'm still working. So, if that's the case, I really don't want the government in charge of EVERYBODY'S health care in the whole country! Do you? Seriously?? You fucking trust the government to make your health care decisions, instead of yourself & your family? A lot of libersls say that Europe has good health care, we should do that...or Canada's. Well, if theirs is so freakin' good, why do they all come here for their important operations, like heart problems, knee replacements, back surgeries?
It's not that I think the health care system here is so great, but our doctors & equipment here IS! The Republicans have a plan, it's just that the Democrats refuse to listen to it. I heard a representative from the House (who is also a dr) describing it today, & it includes no turning down for a pre-existing condition, tort reform, & insurance being able to be sold between the states, like car insurance is. But nobody knows about that plan yet, do they?