Tuesday, December 1, 2009

speech tonight...

It's about time...Obama finally must've listened to somebody who screamed "shit or get off the pot!!" I'm not a big 'fan of wars', but, so many of our soldiers are dying in Afghanistan, that it pretty much proves that we need to go all out, full force on this war...either fight to win, or bring them home! Remember, President Obama, you wanted this job more than anything...Yes, this is the hardest part of the job, but, you took it...for better or worse. And you've had a lot of the fun parts already...you know, parties at the White House, date nights in New York City, the Nobel Peace Prize (I'm still at a loss for the reason for that one...maybe it was the "apology tour" you gave all over the world...).
Well, it was a pretty good speech, he must have great speechwriters...and he gave all the appropriate stern looks.
BoUnCeS!! LibbY!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

...and now...after all those years of thinking you have to...

kuj ...start getting a mammogram every year starting at age 40...now the government is saying "Well, no, you can wait til you're 50 to start that...and as for the yearly nookie-lookie dr...well, girls don't need their first til they're 21...& after you've had three normal ones, well, just once every 3 years is fine. Holy fuckin' shit! I cannot BELIEVE this!! Even when I was 15, you had to have a yearly pelvic, just to make sure nothing was wrong, or you couldn't refill your birth control pills! And I was 15 a very loooooooooooooong time ago! People weren't fucking around as much as they are now! ! Hell, one in three women have the HPV already...AND this includes women up to their 50's! Are you kidding me? This is when they need to INCREASE the test! I already decided a couple years ago, I'm never having sex again (sorry, guys! lol!)...there's just tooo muxh stuff out there to catch! I already know a girl with HPV, had a friend who died a while ago from cervical cancer..a girl with herpes...how many more? Not that I like having those tests...they're just part of life!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

don't get swine flu...

After scaring the shit out of everybody in the US, they're now telling people there's a big shortage of shots...bad enough that adults aren't getting one, but now little kids aren't able to get their second shot, which the government said they'd absolutely need to be 100% protected against this deadly flu. That would surely make me comfortable about turning my total health care over to the government...bunk! Are more people in this country dying from H1N1 than just plain ol' flu this year? Because a whole lot of people die from complications from the flu EVERY year, if you've paid one bit of attention to the news.

Friday, November 6, 2009


We were promised that once the $787 billion 'stimulus' was passed, that would hold the unemployment down to no higher than 8%...somebody's doing some "fuzzy math", dontcha think?...Is Al Gore on Obama's budget committee?

The health care debacle...truthfully, I feel like I have no business saying anything here, because I'm still covered on Kev's insurance...but...if he's out of a job, for any reason next year, I'll have to get on Medicaid/Medicare...that really bites a big one, but, just for shits & giggles, let's pretend I'm fine, don't have anything wrong with me, and I'm still working. So, if that's the case, I really don't want the government in charge of EVERYBODY'S health care in the whole country! Do you? Seriously?? You fucking trust the government to make your health care decisions, instead of yourself & your family? A lot of libersls say that Europe has good health care, we should do that...or Canada's. Well, if theirs is so freakin' good, why do they all come here for their important operations, like heart problems, knee replacements, back surgeries?
It's not that I think the health care system here is so great, but our doctors & equipment here IS! The Republicans have a plan, it's just that the Democrats refuse to listen to it. I heard a representative from the House (who is also a dr) describing it today, & it includes no turning down for a pre-existing condition, tort reform, & insurance being able to be sold between the states, like car insurance is. But nobody knows about that plan yet, do they?

Saturday, October 31, 2009


...when most of the country knows damn well the economy isn't getting better, and we're not adding jobs like you told everybody we would! Remember, "If we pass this stimulus bill, it'll keep our unemployment rate from going over 8%!!" Well, now, a few months later, we're at nearly 10%...and quit fucking blowing your own horn, saying "Since then, we've created or saved 6 hundred thousand jobs!" Well, how many have we lost since then?? And I, and probably more people than you realize, think that maybe, just maybe, since you've been "President Obama" for damn near a year, that it's getting quite tiresome to keep hearing "...from the previous administration, we still have THIS happening..." Grow up!
You have the most powerful group of Democrats in the House & Senate, ready and able to do your bidding. And that is really not what this country is all about, can't you see that?? You're not "King Obama", and this country isn't full of "peons", to shut up and listen to you...because, of course, you & your "flunkies" know more about life and everything than us...'dummies', as I've heard anyone who disagrees with you referred to. Really, how can the Democrats say they're so elite, and this country would be better off if the people that disagree with them would quit disagreeing with them, and just listen to them and learn from them! Huh...if I need to learn how to call people 'stupid' when I'm pissed at them, I'll listen to a 9-year old.
And I can't see how this health care bill is going to not add "one thin dime" to our budget. Nancy Pelosi introduced this, bragging about how it 'only' cost 898 billion, so it's under the 900 billion suggested by President Obama! And it has the public option in it, but she explained very carefully to all of us "stupid people" (she didn't say that, but I could clearly hear her thinking it), that she thought that the problem was the name, instead of calling it the 'public option', they should refer to it as the 'consumer option'. Wow. It's really a good thing we're all so stupid, or else we might catch on to the fact that it's the same old thing, just that they're afraid to call it what it is. Whew. There's a LOT more in me that needs to get out, but...it's Halloween, and I have more important things to do today.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I want to know how we're supposed to trust the government with everybody's health care, when they can't even get us the H1N1 vaccines they've told us to make sure we get!?? Everything the government tries to run turns to shit, it seems...costs way more money than was promised, and is way more than is needed! The post office, the IRS, the census...just about anything the government tries to stick its fingers into...you know..."Here, let me...I'll fix it for you!!" We've all known people like that. Now, imagine having to turn over your medical decisions to them...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Empire State building...

Did everybody notice how the Empire State Building was lit up this week? You know, in red & yellow?? China's colors...the week of their 60 year celebration of being Communistic? What's happening to our country? I guess we do need to ingratiate ourselves to the financial owners of our country, but should we even be in this position? When is the last time the building was lit in red, white, & blue? Yeah. I know. Paranoia.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Now the President's going to Copenhagen?

...with Oprah and a lot of other White House officials to try to get the 2012 Olympics in Chicago?? Doesn't he have enough on his plate already?? A war in Afghanistan that he's being asked for 40,000 more troops? Iran is doing missile testing, and they've been shown to have another nuclear enriching facility underground? Health care? Augghhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so confused! I'll just go to Copenhagen, and take a couple days off and then think about it when I get back...yeah, that's the ticket...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

a bunch of thinking...

I think I know why President Obama wants everything right now...hurry up & pass this!! Maybe he knows that he's going to be a one-term president? He always promised (when he was in "campaign mode") that his administration will be the most transparent EVER. Haha! He really needs to put on his big-boy pants, and act like the American president, not the rest of the world's president!

Friday, September 25, 2009

aren't you even concerned about Iran??

All the crap going on at the G20, & the UN...is it going to really make one bit of difference? Really? Seriously? Did anyone happen to catch Qaddafi's 90 minute + speech/diatribe/history lesson? That was amazing! Actually, it was a riot...and someone paid for him to be here??
Has everybody seen the video of the 2nd graders doing their 'singalong' about Barack Husein Obama? Oh my lord, it looks exactly like the kids in North Korea, singing about their "Dear Leader"! If I had a kid in a school that was doing that kind of shit, oh my God, they would sure as hell hear about it from me!
A good blog...http://baracksteleprompter.blogspot.com/

Sunday, September 20, 2009

don't take us back 50 years, please!

We are not a racist country anymore, you know? If we were, how in the HELL did Obama get elected to be our president? The only way something like that would happen, is if there was true 'voter fraud', which would totally undermine the ACORN discussion, wouldn't it? No, I think people are objecting to his policies, not his skin color. We want to get back to the Constitution, why is that so wrong?

Friday, September 18, 2009

more accusations...

Is anyone besides me sick as hell of being referred to as a 'racist'? I see postings about the pictures of the crowds in DC Sept 13th, and people are saying "Just look at them! There's no 'people of color' there! They're all white!"
Okay...gotta ask...look at the percentage of white people in this country vs. people of color....it's probably about the same percentage of people represented in those pictures, right? C'mon! Don't be so desparate to call people racist that you make yourself look like an idiot. It embarrasses us for you! (not really...I'm just being polite).

Saturday, September 12, 2009

health care...

I'm so freaking lost on all this health care stuff! I know a lot of Americans think it should be a RIGHT we have...free health care. And, damn, I'd love it if we could even possibly consider doing that! Who's gonna say no to anything free? However, I don't see how it could be done. Insurance is super-expensive, yet I really don't want someone in DC telling me what treatment I can try or not. Since I have ms, I have to have expensive drugs, & luckily, one of the drug companies will work with me. But I know there are way many more people out there that need different drugs, some even more expensive. Or when you don't need drugs, just a doctor!
I also know that, actually, the reason drugs & doctors aren't just free for everyone. MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE & DRUGS are commodities! Why in the world do we expect them to be free? I know, it just sucks all the way around, doesnt it? So, why CAN'T we get health insurance individually from across state lines?? And why won't they limit the amount of medical malpractice awards? If doctors werent having to CYA by sending you to get tons of unneccessary tests, they might not have to spend so much on malpractice insurance! I'm not saying doctors do everything right, but c'mon! Obama even accused doctors of doing surgery just for the money!! I'm not a doctor, but if I was I'd be SO FREAKING offended by that! And he said one time that instead of getting an expensive operation, maybe you should just stay home and take painkillers!! WTF????

Friday, September 4, 2009

...call it paranoia, if you must...

WTF is going on with the US government?? You know, I'm not that huge of a fan of any popular Republicans lately (do NOT put me in a box with George W!), but, I'm totally not liking the way Obama the "organizer" is re-making the country. I'd be okay if he was only a Democrat, but he's so far over the line into socialism/communism, he really is remaking the whole United States!! Everyone who fell under his spell & voted for him, is, hopefully, seeing what his kind of change is! I saw a news clip of Omar Hammami (who is by the way, a totally hot-looking al-Shabaabist from Alabama! but now he's in Somalia) in which he derided President Obama, & made mention of how the Americans were so mesmerized with him. Now...shit, even a militant anti-American even sees it!
Now Obama wants to make a speech to schoolchildren about how they can help him. Huhh?? He's the President of the United States! Don't make the kids the next czars! This shit looks like something 'The Great Leader' would do, like in North Korea! I can't believe how this country slid so far off course and how the "sheeple" let this happen! Nope...I got no clue how to fix it. Actually, got no clue IF anybody can fix it at this point!

Monday, August 24, 2009

wow, been a long time...

All I can do is shake my head, and wonder if everyone who voted for Obama expected this kind of CHANGE? Most of the time when people think they want something or someone different, they get a whole hell of a lot more 'different' than they bargained for, huh?

And it really pisses me off that anybody, Republican, Democrat, or Independent, any time they get together to say that they don't agree with 'the majority', they're ridiculed, discounted as people just trying to cause trouble! WTF??? We're supposed to do this! When Cindy Sheehan protested on George W Bush's property in Texas when he was on vacation, everybody, including the President, welcomed that and said she was well within her rights...
Obamatrons say they inherited this deficit. How freakin' many months can he blame HIS mistakes on the former administration? Yes, W spent too much...but NOBODY'S spent THIS much, ever!! And he's already raising taxes, like he said he wouldn't. Like tobacco...it's a proven fact that most people that use tobacco are low or middle-income people...the very citizens that Obama swore wouldn't see one dime more in taxes! When the hell are people going to wake up & realize that he's not just an ordinary Democrat, he's on the extreme far-left of the political spectrum? Is everybody at home doing the same as me, you know, watch what you spend your money on, not spending more than you have? Working on getting out of debt and paying off any of the credit cards you have? Quit smoking, cuz you just can't afford it? Huh..why can't the government quit blowing money and printing more? I'm relatively stupid, but even I see why you can't do that! Yeah...even Democrats are saying he's too far left...