Monday, January 14, 2008 week!

There really doesn't seem to be anything new today as far as politics...but it's still early in the day, ya know?
Now I'm listening to a news conference about the Marine at Camp LeJeune, who was accused in April of this year of rape. Now the woman that accused him is dead, and they found her body, with her unborn fetus, burned to death in HIS backyard & buried under a shallow layer of dirt. In my opinion, yes, his wife was involved in his covering-up of this crime. And the U.S. Military did not do SHIT to solve this!! Or to keep him away from her!! This woman was reported missing over a month ago, and I heard a lady who is also a Marine, saying that, under normal circumstances, if one person doesn't show up for 'work' one day, they're all over looking for that person!
Odd....I'll be following this...
Paranoid note for the day...
I think I have this...heortaphobia...
The fear of holidays

1 comment:

Burfica said...

maybe I had my head in the sand, cuz I guess I missed that story. What a disgrace.